The Influential Organizations of the Big Process of Cryptography and Information Security in Cyber Defense System of I.R. of IRAN

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Strategic Management of Cyber ​​Space University and Higher Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research (Corresponding Author)

2 Member of the faculty of the University and the Higher Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


This article is based on the findings of a group research conducted at the Supreme National Defense University titled "The Design of Cyber Defense System And Formulation of It’s Strategies". This group research, aims to design a conceptual model of cyber defense, using clustering method in content analysis and Delphi technique. For this purpose, three concepts of deterrence, defense (rejection), and resilience were identified as essential dimensions of cyber defense.
In this article while studying the official and genuine documents of the country, we have conducted comparative studies of 7 leading cyber defense countries and recognize the position of the big process of Cryptography and digital information security in cyber defense and its effective organizations. That is why we call it the big process that involves many components and many connections with other entities. It also analyzes the results using Structural-Interpretive Equations method and draws up the relevant conceptual model, taking into account the interactions of various institutions and processes affecting cyber defense. The research findings shows that the big process of cryptographic and digital information security will be realized through the joint activities of 14 entities at 6 operational levels and in this regard, the formulation of cyber laws and regulations in the process of cryptographic digital information security is of great importance.

  • فهرست منابع ومآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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