Investigating the relationship between defenseless urban spaces and violent behaviors in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Social Studies of Iran, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)

3 Associate Professor of Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Considering the importance of preventing the occurrence of violent behaviors in Tehran, especially theft, strife and conflict, snatching bags and harassment against citizens and examining the factors affecting the increase of violent behaviors, this study aims to investigate the role of defenseless urban spaces in violent behaviors. Has been done in Tehran.
In this research, the combined method has been used. In order to achieve violent behaviors and the number of their occurrence, the secondary analysis method has been used. For identifying defenseless spaces and the causes of differences in the type of violent behaviors, participatory observation has been used and to examine the correlation between research variables, correlation method has been used. Is. Also in this research, 124 crime hotspots in Tehran are considered as study areas. From 384 people according to Cochran's formula, the required information has been collected with a researcher-made questionnaire.
According to the obtained findings, it can be said that both physical and social dimensions of urban spaces are effective in making urban spaces defenseless. And theories that focus on only one dimension of the characteristics of defenseless spaces to control violence (whether physical or social) cannot adequately represent the totality of defenseless spaces and reduce violence. Thus, theories that focus on both dimensions better illustrate the totality of defenseless spaces. On the other hand, one-dimensional theories can be considered only in terms of the type of violence. Both dimensions have an effect on the defenselessness of spaces, but in comparison, according to the results obtained according to the type of violence studied, social factors make the spaces more defenseless for the occurrence of disturbance than physical factors. Also, social factors have a greater role in preparing the spaces for the occurrence of snatch bags and quarrels and conflicts, but physical factors have a greater role in preparing the spaces for the occurrence of theft. Therefore, solutions to reduce violence through urban design should pay attention to both physical and social dimensions of spaces, simultaneously in order to have the greatest impact on reducing violence and crime through urban design and intervention in the environment.


  • فهرست منابع ومآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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