Public diplomacy is a set of measures taken by governments to communicate with the nations of other countries. Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, due to its popular origin, communication with nations has been at the forefront of its policies. This research has been carried out with the aim of explaining the principles contained in the Constitution and upstream documents on public diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The research is of an applied development type. The research method is mixed and content and interpretive analysis and documentary study have been used in data analysis. Five targeting cases and twenty-six policy cases have determined the path of public diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to the research findings, concepts related to public diplomacy in the provisions of the Constitution and upstream documents based on the origin and formation of the four fields of "religious and doctrinal principles", "values of the Islamic Revolution", "Iranian culture, civilization and art" and " International cultural relations "are separable. Despite the emphasis on the constitution and upstream documents, there is no explicit consensus among the institutions on some provisions of public diplomacy. Strengths and weaknesses are essential. Also, given the changing international environment and in order to focus purposefully on policies and resources, it is necessary to examine the effectiveness of each policy separately.
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Nasrollahzade, M., Khoramshad, M. B., & Habibollahzadeh, M. H. (2020). Constitutional approach and upstream documents towards public diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. National Security, 10(37), 315-352.
mohammadjavad Nasrollahzade; mohammad bagher Khoramshad; Mohammad Hassan Habibollahzadeh. "Constitutional approach and upstream documents towards public diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran", National Security, 10, 37, 2020, 315-352.
Nasrollahzade, M., Khoramshad, M. B., Habibollahzadeh, M. H. (2020). 'Constitutional approach and upstream documents towards public diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran', National Security, 10(37), pp. 315-352.
Nasrollahzade, M., Khoramshad, M. B., Habibollahzadeh, M. H. Constitutional approach and upstream documents towards public diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. National Security, 2020; 10(37): 315-352.