Disciplinary strategies for tourism development

Document Type : Original Article




Tourism is a very sensitive phenomenon and considering its position in the economy and the relations between nations, providing safe and secure conditions for it is one of the basic principles. When a tourist decides to travel, the first thing that comes to his mind is his knowledge and information about the possible destination he chooses to travel. If the collection of this knowledge and information about a particular country creates an image that motivates the traveler; Do not lead, naturally the country is removed from the selection arena.
The present research is of applied-developmental type and the research method is quantitative. The purpose of this research is to achieve disciplinary strategies for tourism development. The data collection method is a specialized library method (books, documents, archives, reputable scientific sites) and field methods (interviews and questionnaires) and the data collection tools are standardized research receipt, interview card and researcher-made questionnaire. Be.
One of the most important strategies obtained from the present dissertation is "Attention to government support for the development of tourism industry infrastructure, support for domestic and private investment, reduction of relocation of senior managers of the tourism industry (with priority given to the Ministry of Tourism), diplomacy in line Ensuring the security of the country's borders (especially the eastern borders) and using the power and potential of the country's armed forces to develop tourism capacities in these areas and establishing a special tourist checkpoint and police station (tourism police) with standard training and fluency in official languages Uniforms for "tourist destinations" can be called.


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