Provide a native model of cyber monitoring,monitoring and alerting based on the ooda cycle

Document Type : Original Article




The use of cyberspace has created new challenges in the national security domain, in a way that has essentially transformed the concepts of security in all aspects of national power. These security issues have sometimes affected cyber-security systems and infrastructures, which have had a direct impact on the national security of countries in the form of cyber threats and threats, by undermining the dimensions of cyber security. Given the importance of preventing these injuries, it is necessary to take precautionary measures with respect to the hazards in question. To this end, due to the serious vacuum in deploying systems that can perform cyber-space identification and alerting activities at the right time, a model for cyber-monitoring, monitoring and alerting has been attempted based on a comparative study of structures in selected countries. Submitted in accordance with indigenous policies and regulations. According to the subject and purpose of the research, the type of research is applied development. The research methodology of the combined method includes library studies for collecting successful experiences of other countries and comparing them and then open interviews through a panel of experts in the qualitative section and then distributing the questionnaire to evaluate the components of the model presented. The statistical population of the present study was 20 experts in the field of information technology and communications and security sector of the country. In this paper, based on the compilation of the comparative study results of selected countries, a cyber-monitoring, monitoring and warning model based on the OODA(Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action) cycle has been presented and the components of the model are prioritized according to the experts' opinion, which according to their opinion, the priority of the four stages It includes observation, Orientation, action and decision making, and the most important components of cyber dimensions are cultural, defense-security, diplomacy, social, economic, science, technology, and politics, respectively.


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