sociological explanation of the feeling of social insecurity and its effect on social intolerance A case study of residents over 18 years of age in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Sociology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Social tolerance is one of the most important needs of multicultural and multi-ethnic societies. Social in tolerance is just as important, and if it increases in society, it can cause many problems. In this regard, the present study aims to investigate the sociological relationship between the feeling of social security and social inequality in Tehran. Its method is q and its statistical population is all citizens over 18 years of age in Tehran. The study sample is 768 people, which has been estimated based on the Cochran's sample size determination formula and the required data have been collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. Of the respondents, 49.4% are men and 50.6% are women. The findings show that there is no significant relationship between income and social inefficiency, and this variable is unable to predict changes in social inefficiency. But the relationship between age and education variables and social inequality is significant. There is also a significant relationship between the feeling of social security, the feeling of relative deprivation, the feeling of anomie and the social intolerance of the citizens of Tehran.


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