Identifying and ranking the factors affecting the national secure information network of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Cyber ​​Defense, Faculty of National Security, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 Secretary and Senior Researcher, Department of Strategic Management, Cyberspace, Faculty of National Security, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


Today, the significant impact of information on the national security of countries has led governments to create secure native infrastructure, while providing reliable, stable and appropriate services, preventing the outflow of information from the country and preventing the exploitation of other organizations and countries. Designing and implementing national infrastructures that can meet the communication needs of other infrastructures is one of the solutions that can achieve the above goals.Given the importance of security for such vital infrastructure, the development of a secure national information network as a key strategy in exercising sovereignty over cyberspace and providing services on this platform is on the agenda of governments. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to identify and rank the factors affecting the national secure information network of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  Based on library resources and field research, this research seeks to answer the question of what are the factors affecting the security of the National information Network of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and what is their significance in terms of importance?
Based on this, first in the library studies section and referring to reliable sources, the most important indicators and effective variables in the national information network of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the qualitative method of content analysis were extracted and according to their nature and role, these factors in dimensions Security, technology and management were classified.
Then, using the tools of the questionnaire, the validity and reliability of which were confirmed by the expert group, the judgment of experts, pundits and experts in the field of national information network was used. Using quantitative methods to analyze the results, the main security, technological and managerial factors were confirmed. Based on the analysis of the questionnaires, the determination of the weight of the indicators and the use of the Friedman test, the ranking of the factors affecting the design of the National Secure Information Network was done. The findings indicate that the ranking of factors affecting the national secure information network has almost the same effect in terms of average and do not differ significantly from each other.


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