Identifying the factors influencing the system of training, education and employing agents of strategic levels of the Islamic Republic of Iran Abstract

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in National Security Studies, Faculty of National Security, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty member of Higher National Defense University, PhD in Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD in Political Sociology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The use of skilled and professional manpower in the era of human life has been one of the most important components of development and progress and one of the concerns of human societies, which entered a new field since the Industrial Revolution. The importance of resource management, decision-making, and decision-making at the strategic level has reached a level where there is a need for people with broad attitudes to long-term and forward-looking planning from the requirements of institutions, organizations, and countries.
Developed educational programs and systems have been developed to train, train, and employ capable individuals with the power to make optimal decisions at the right time. At present, the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a new paradigm in the global arena, relying on its own values and ideology, has specific goals and plans to participate in the global arena.
The present study aims to identify the factors influencing the stages of training, education and employment of strategic managers in the country and by conducting research using meta-analysis and review of domestic and foreign literature, upstream documents and religious and revolutionary teachings and measures of the Imams of the Islamic Revolution. It has presented a conceptual model based on the systemic attitude model.
The input of the system is indexed by the initial characteristics of the managers, the processing core of the system is structured using upstream documents and competencies, theories and methods of learning, rather than the output of the system of strategic agents with the conditions of employment in related organizations. Be and control actions in the system is done by monitoring and monitoring managers.


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    ب. منابع انگلیسی

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