Strategic Plan to Counter US Political Influence in the Islamic Republic of Iran Emphasizing on the votes of Imam Khamenei (issue)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated in National Security Studies - Higher National Defense University

2 Faculty member, University of Tehran


Strategic Plan to Counter US Political Influence in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Emphasizing on the votes of Imam Khamenei (issue)
Review :

Political influence is one of the advanced, complex, close but revived words of soft war, which aims to strike at the system of prioritization, decision-making, computational apparatus and apprehension in the perception and vision apparatus of officials and people.
   In this article, the researchers aim to develop a strategic plan to counter American political influence in the Islamic Republic of Iran by emphasizing Imam Khamenei's measures and opinions, using a qualitative approach and analyzing the content of Imam Khamenei's statements and maxquad software, principles and It examines the principles, directional pillars (mission, vision, goals, values, and policies), opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses, and weaknesses of US political influence, and ultimately to get out of the strategy. They developed countermeasures from His Majesty's perspective.
    An examination of Imam Khamenei's orders regarding political influence shows that from his point of view, the influence, direct communication or indirect influence of the enemies on the three areas of discernment (understanding of issues), decision (solution to problems) and action (practical confrontation) It is aimed at disrupting the interests of the target country and securing the interests of the hegemons at the hands of the rulers of the target

Keywords :
Strategy, Strategic Plan, Influence, Political Influence, US, Islamic Republic of Iran


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