Analysis of the Jurisdiction of Iranian Courts in the Investigation of Environmental Terrorism, Bioterrorism, and Agroterorism as Crimes Against National Interests and Security

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University Faculty of Law

2 PhD student in criminal law and criminology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Graduate of Master of Criminal Law and Criminology


Today, many legal systems have criminalized terrorism and its new forms in order to protect national interests and security. One of the new forms of terrorism, which has certain complexities, is environmental bio-terrorism, which includes bioterrorism and agro-terrorism. In order to fight against environmental and environmental terrorism, the Iranian legal system has also cited some examples of it as a crime of corruption on earth. Today, this is an undeniable fact that Iran is in many cases a victim of bioterrorism and environmental terrorism, so the issue of the jurisdiction of the Iranian courts to deal with this phenomenon and punish their perpetrators is raised, especially that Environmental terrorism in the Iranian legal system is based on a certain crime, and we will face certain complexities and difficulties in the discussion of competencies. It is achieved that due to the lack of coverage of Article 2 86 Islamic Penal Code Regarding all instances of terrorism and the implementation problems of Articles 3 to 9 of the Penal Code, Iran's legal system should state environmental terrorism, bio-terrorism and agro-terrorism as independent criminal offenses, criminalization and eligibility under its own law. What was previously mentioned in the anti-terrorism bill regarding all terrorist crimes was not implemented.


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