Analyzing the Effects of Organized Crime on Irans Economic: A Post Keynesian Analysis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Economics, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran, Ahvaz, Golestan Blvd., Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Economics

2 imam hosein university


The lack of simultaneous attention, it is a size and harmony with the various dimensions of development that cause crime. Despite the important contribution of the studies in understanding how to stimulate organized crime in the allocation of production factors, supply-side analyzes have overlooked the role of effective demand. So in this study using a post-Keynesian analysis, analyzing the effects of organized crime on macroeconomic variables of Iran.
The Research method is analytical, practical and used the application of simulation and structural equations during the period from 1357 to 1397.
Organized crime generates criminal proceeds through extortion, trafficking, and corruption. Results show that organized crime has a negative impact on economic activity in the Iranian economy. It can also be concluded that the performance of organized crime has a negative impact on the level of economic activity and so does their growth, which of course has a greater impact on the level of economic activity than the growth rate.


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