Conceptual model of management of clans in the social media of the Islamic Republic of Iran according to the Supreme Leader's views on cyberspace

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Strategic Management of Cyberspace, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Cyber, School of National Security, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty Member, Department of Strategic Management, Cyberspace, Faculty of National Security, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

4 sndu


The activity of Iranian social media is vital for protecting users, storing big data in national cyberspace and promoting cyber power. At present, Iranian social media, while competing with foreign examples, face various problems, including the lack of a native conceptual model for big data management.
Management of big data of social media has provided valuable insights for governments, organizations and companies to make accurate and reliable decisions and plays an important role in assessing the current state of society and predicting future events.
In this research, by performing the method of themes analysis, the Supreme Leader's views on cyberspace, The Principles and fundamentals, Direction maker pillars of the direction have been extracted and approved. Therefore, by studying previous research and also taking the opinion of the elites through interviews; Dimensions, components and processes are extracted. Then, by implementing the survey method and taking the opinion of experts, the conceptual model has been approved.
Finally the proposed conceptual model has 7 dimensions: "reputation, social media, data management, approaches, security and rules and regulations, analytics management, technology"
In conclusion, it is stated that building trust by creating a sense of security among people for their presence on Iranian social media, as well as the necessary interaction and coordination with stakeholders, public monitoring to identify user needs, updating competitive facilities (innovation management), empowerment It is one of the most important measures in data analysis to benefit from the benefits of big data in the administration of the country (all domains).


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