Designing an optimal model of public trust in Iranian public organizations with emphasis on the type of organization and the type of client

Document Type : Original Article


1 Qazvin

2 Beheshti

3 Assistant Professor of Imam Hussein University


Public trust is a complex multidimensional phenomenon that affects and interacts with various social, economic, cultural, political, security, and other systems. The purpose of this study is to design an optimal model of public trust in Iranian government organizations with an emphasis on classification based on the type of organization and the type of client. In this article, an attempt has been made to simulate the model of public trust in government agencies using the dynamics approach of systems. The aim of the exploratory research is the type of basic research and the field research method. Data collection tools were questionnaires and interviews, which were performed using the snowball sampling method and with the participation of 9 experts. First, using Delphi's method, the theory of public trust is discussed, and then the obtained theory is tested with systemic dynamics. Thus, the key variables of the country's public trust were identified and causal and mathematical relationships were drawn between these variables. The system was then simulated in Vensim software, and with the aim of promoting public trust in government agencies, eight different scenarios for increasing public trust were examined. The results of the study showed that the simultaneous increase in transparency in publicservice delivery and government accountability over 8 years increases public confidence and satisfaction by up to 40%. Also, creating a shared environment and the same conditions has been chosen as another attractive scenario; Because this scenario also increases public confidence by 30 percent and people's satisfaction by 20 percent


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