Determining the indicators of cyber security evaluation by comparative study method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student of Strategic Management of Cyberspace, University and Higher Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research, Tehran-Iran

2 Faculty member of Malek Ashtar University

3 Student of Strategic Management of Cyberspace, University and Higher Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


With the development and expansion of cyberspace, various aspects of citizens' lives are clearly intertwined with this space, and any insecurity and challenges in this space will directly or indirectly affect the lives and behavior of citizens. Therefore, cybersecurity is one of the components of national security that should be seriously considered and evaluated on an ongoing basis. Proper assessment of cyber security identifies the strengths and weaknesses of systems and networks in various areas, and by planning and providing the necessary strategies, ultimately promotes cyber security. Accordingly, we need to explain and use indicators to perform the evaluation. Comparative study of cyber security evaluation indicators can be used in compiling local indicators of cyber security evaluation in our country, while developing the literature and promoting common knowledge and understanding of their dimensions and components and enumerating their characteristics. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative study to provide the most important indicators of cyber security assessment in the world and the region. This research is of applied type and using the method of comparative study and citing library resources, has reviewed the reports provided by reputable international authorities in the field of cyber security evaluation and finally by selecting seven valid evaluation models and Comparative comparison of their criteria such as focus, objectives, dimensions and approach of the results are presented in the form of a set of cyber security evaluation indicators.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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    ب. منابع انگلیسی

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