I.R. of Iran's Cyberspace Observation, Monitoring and Warning ُSystem Maturity Model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member ‌ (Associate Professor) Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 PhD Student in Cyber Security, Higher National Defense University, Faculty Member, AA Amin University


With the development of cyberspace and its increasing applications that have affected individual and social life and various aspects of national and public security, the occurrence of unforeseen events in the political, security, economic, social and cultural spheres and the surprising effects arising From that, it has created scattered observation structures for observation, monitoring and alerting based on the needs and mission of various organizations and institutions in the country. With the establishment of the High Council on Cyberspace and other coordinating structures at the highest levels and their efforts to integrate activities, systematization of the field of observation, monitoring and warning is also on the agenda, At least this system has been developed at the national level. The nature of cyberspace and the need for synergy in the face of it make it unavoidable to pay attention to the development and maturation of this system at the national level. In this study, we have analyzed the maturity status and gap between the current and desired situation and presented the maturity model of this system. Maturity models provide a controllable approach to assessing the level of growth of a system or organization. These models illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of organizations. The results show that among the 14 selected indicators, the agility indicators, process integration and process definitions are of special importance and need more attention in the maturity of the system. Finally, the proposed maturity model of the research is presented in the form of a radar diagram.


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