Presenting a conceptual framework for identifying and analyzing stakeholders and actors in the Ramzarz ecosystem in cyberspace

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Research Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Security Research Institute, Communication and Information Technology Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

3 Secretary and Senior Researcher, Department of Strategic Management, Cyberspace, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

4 PhD student, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


In recent years, with the growth of cryptocurrencies and their various applications, this issue has become one of the main issues in the field of economics and especially in the financial industry. Due to the growing number of cryptocurrencies in the world, the design of cryptocurrency ecosystems is becoming increasingly important. One of the most important steps in designing this framework is to search, identify, select, and deploy key actors in each of the domains of the blockchain ecosystem. In a cryptocurrency ecosystem, many actors play a role. Some actors play a key role in decision-making, and some work to guide the ecosystem. The present study is an applied research with a qualitative-exploratory approach that has been conducted with the aim of identifying the key actors of Ramzarz with the help of multiple case studies. In this research, and theoretically, a comprehensive framework for identifying the actors and stakeholders of Ramzarz is presented and it is determined who has the power in this ecosystem. This framework can also be a way to identify the main and stakeholders of Ramzarz in the country. The results of this research are in the form of a conceptual framework with eight important dimensions, as actors and stakeholders of the Ramzarz ecosystem with the following titles: infrastructure providers, payment processors, innovators, exchanges, miners, developers, promoters and regulators.


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