The effect of political organization of space according to geopolitical factors threatening security and development in reducing crises in the western provinces of the country

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Geography, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Political space organization has always been a process in which part of the earth''s surface is limited by geographical boundaries and organized to play political roles. In particular, the western regions were affected, including the political influences of foreigners and enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, natural disasters, increased mobility of terrorist groups and drug traffickers, especially in Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan. In this regard, the present study will focus on the political organization of space using geopolitical capabilities in order to reduce the western crises in the country. . The results showed that in the context of the most important challenges of political space organization in the western provinces, the results showed that there are many challenges in this field in the western provinces, among which the activities of miscreants and terrorist groups in the western regions, the challenge. Disasters related to natural disasters such as earthquakes and their aftermath and racial differences between relatives and the government play a more prominent role in this regard, as well as environmental, economic, social and political factors, including the most important geopolitical threats to security and development in the provinces. They are considered Western.


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