Developing a Conceptual Model of Urban Ecological Security for Developing Land Use Planning Approach Using Causal Network Model

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Environmental Planning, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Researcher and Lecturer, Imam Hossein University, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Environmental Planning, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Environmental Planning, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Iran


In the present age, humans face numerous unprecedented environmental challenges. Environmentalists believe that the economic pressure on natural resources is on the rise. Population growth, along with the pattern of unstable resource use, puts enormous pressure on land, water, energy and other essential land resources. The importance of this issue is doubled when the issue of urbanization and the structural changes of land cover / land use are raised. Therefore, the impact of land cover / land use change on the structure and functioning of urban ecosystems during different periods with an ecological security approach is very important.
In recent years, many studies have been conducted on ecological security worldwide. Various tools have also been designed and used in this field. But due to the complexity of the problem, these research and tools are still being developed in a forward direction. In fact, the need for a comprehensive framework that can seamlessly address the influential factors in a complex system including the environment, human societies and their communications and work towards sustainability remains to be seen. In this regard, the main purpose of this research is to develop a process chain to examine the structure and function of ecosystems in cities. To monitor, analyze, and predict the ecological security of cities using mathematical and geographical models.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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