Explain the role of spatial / geographical justice in evaluating the optimal political management of space

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University


Spatial forms are generally the result of the spatial processes that shape them. The formation of the foundations of unbalanced development affected by spatial injustice as the dominant spatial form of developing countries is the result of their social, political, cultural and economic processes over time. Undoubtedly, the most important goal of organizing and managing the political space in any country is, in the first place, to provide optimal services to the maximum number of citizens and to make maximum use of national capabilities and opportunities for the welfare and development of geographical space. Given the requirements of the new age and its complexities, the need to pay attention to spatial justice in The institutionalization of optimal political management of space is one of the requirements of governance. The present article seeks to explain the role of spatial justice as an effective and dynamic indicator in order to evaluate the performance of the governance system as the main driving force of the country's affairs with a descriptive and analytical method. The fact is that until there is a general consensus on the evaluation of the governance of the spatial political order, we can not try to model the optimal political governance of the space. Accordingly, spatial / geographical justice is considered as a valid benchmark for the optimal evaluation of the political management of space.


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