The Impact of Social Capital on National Security in the Twelfth Government

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Islamic Azad University of Lamerd

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran


The main concern of governments is to ensure national security by emphasizing the preservation of social capital because national security is the result of the satisfaction of citizens and groups that can be embodied in the face of strong social capital, no doubt the importance of social capital Features such as participation, cohesion and trust in social systems. As throughout history, governments have always been concerned about the extent to which they can rely on the cooperation of society to advance the activities and strategies of government with this enormous support. Clearly, without social capital, a significant portion of resources is wasted, and costs must be spent on stability, agreement, and cooperation. Based on this, it can be said that social capital is created in a long period and with difficulty, but its destruction is done quickly, the result of which is not part of the faltering of national security. And qualitative) and using library tools and a questionnaire with a sample size of 384 people among AJA employees in 1398, we seek to answer the main question of what effect social capital has on national security in the twelfth government has it? The most important results of testing the hypotheses in this study show that social capital has a significant effect on national security and the analysis of the questionnaire data shows that social capital in the twelfth government is at a moderate level that the impact It has a direct impact on national security.


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