Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the change of great powers until 2040

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Strategic Defense, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Sociology and Faculty Member, Department of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant professor of AJA Command and Staff University, Tehran, Iran

4 Master of Sociology, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran.

5 PhD, AJA Command and Staff University, Tehran, Iran.


The world has always witnessed the rise and fall of powers, and the importance of studying the displacement of these powers is due to the peace, war, and security of the international system. Therefore, the present study examines the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the impact of the factors of change of power with a futuristic approach, with the change of great powers until 2040. This research is a descriptive-analytical approach in terms of applied purpose and according to the studied components. Therefore, first it predicts the power of countries in the form of economic and military indicators, then with the help of Dylan and Keysan theory, the four countries of China, USA, India and Russia are studied and then a semi-structured questionnaire between experts and specialists with expertise. And they had enough experience about the issues raised, distributed to 30 people and the results were analyzed in Mick Mac software. The results showed that economic-military-security relations will certainly increase in the future. The emergence of China as an indisputable power in the future will lead Iran to reduce security pressures from the West and the United States to China due to common economic interests and no conflict of ideals, and the role of relations in changing the system in favor. In the coming years, China will make Beijing an important player in the Iran-West equation.


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