Passive Defense from the Perspective of Islam and Its Implementation Strategies in the NAJA (Case Study of the Disciplinary Command of South Khorasan Province)

Document Type : Original Article


th grade associate professor and faculty member of Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences


Establishing order and security is the basis of progress and development of all countries. Consolidation and immunity of the police as a guardian of order and security and comfort of the people against internal and external threats are of special importance. On the other hand, considering Iran's ideal conflicts with supra-regional powers and their regional agents and the ideological and global influence of our country and the fact that the police is the governmental organization and the armed arm of the system to ensure internal security, it is necessary to pay attention to ideological principles. Passive defense is quite obvious. The main purpose of this article is to examine passive defense from the perspective of Islam, using the experiences and views of law enforcement officials in South Khorasan Province to explain strategies for developing and increasing passive defense in the NAJA. This research is applied in terms of type and descriptive-analytical method. Research information in the background, theoretical foundations and some religious findings were collected using the library and note-taking method and in the field using a questionnaire distribution among respondents. The statistical population of the study is the officials and experts of the Disciplinary Command of South Khorasan Province, numbering 50 people, all of whom were questioned and their points of view were taken in the form of Likert scale and analyzed and evaluated using descriptive indicators and inferential statistics. Findings of research in the field of passive defense from the perspective of Islam were compiled in the form of tables by referring to the Qur'an and books of narration and biography of the Infallibles (AS). At the end of each of the fourteen items related to the effect of using different passions of passive defense in the optimal performance of missions and duties of law enforcement such as: the need to pay attention to religious teachings, institutionalization of these teachings in NAJA staff, increasing interaction between commanders and elites, public participation with Police, deal decisively with norm-breakers, agile organizational structure, threat forecasting, facility security, insight of staff, strengthening religious foundations to prevent corruption and job injuries, merit in appointments, creating a proper structure of passive defense and The preparation of the defense appendix was approved in all NAJA executive plans using descriptive statistics indicators and inferential statistics tests.


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