Conceptual model of social media bigdata analytic with cognitive science approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Strategic Management of Cyberspace, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty Member, Department of Strategic Management, Cyberspace, Faculty of National Security, Higher National Defense University,

3 Professor in Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


The social media big data analytic have become a key factor for the development and progress of most governments. The capacities of the cognitive sciences to analyze and evaluate the content and structural effects of these media on the minds and brains of users provide valuable knowledge and insights for researchers and managers. Cognitive science plays an important role in assessing the mental processes of social media users to gain an understanding of beliefs and tastes, as well as cognition of feelings, perceptions, thoughts, attention, excitement, behavior, relationships, choices, and so on.
To provide the conceptual model in this research, while studying the theoretical literature and previous research by interviewing experts (N: 9), the dimensions and components of the initial model were extracted, then to fit and confirm the model using a survey method and experts (N: 72) Data were collected using a questionnaire and tested for factor analysis by software.
This conceptual model has the dimensions of producer and consumer of content, social media, data management, content cognitive approach, structural and network cognitive approach, methods of analysis, technologies, security, rules and regulations. In the dimension of content cognitive approach, the components include perception, thoughts, feelings, attention, ideas, excitement, reasoning, language. In the dimension of structural and network cognitive approach, the components include relationships and communities, behavior, choice, attention. Is. Therefore, analysis with a cognitive approach increased the quality of research, management and decision-making and strengthened strategic capabilities


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