Possible scenarios affected by social networks hinder the ethnic solidarity of the next decade of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article



  The increasing growth of virtual social networks has created dramatic changes in the field of communication and human behavior in various societies and even globally. In today's world, the impact of social networks on the lives of people, especially ethnic groups, is increasing day by day, and one of the important indicators related to the structure of world governments is the multi-ethnic context or the existence of religious ethnic minorities and given the importance of ethnic diversity in societies. With different and different ethnicities and races, its impact on national unity and cohesion is obvious. Therefore, in the present article, the main question is what are the possible scenarios in the study of the obstacles to ethnic solidarity in Iran in the next decade with emphasis on the components and indicators affected by the social network? In order to achieve the goal, first different concepts were examined and then the effects of social networks on relatives were examined as a process, and then in this method 30 professors and elite people with special characteristics were selected and through Questionnaires were questioned through which components, indicators were evaluated and finally a questionnaire was sent to them. After confirming the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, Friedman test was used to analyze the results. The most important results of the analysis of items and indicators show that the most important influential components will be:
1- In the next decade, the most cultural damage of the country, especially the tribes affected by social networks, is the change in the lifestyle of Iranian families.
2- Social networks for the next decade are trying to destroy the strong institution of the family with the prejudice of the Iranian ethnic groups, which will also weaken the national solidarity.

In the next decade, social networks will try to inefficiency of national solidarity by distinguishing ethnic identity from national identity.



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ب. منابع اینترنتی

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