Use of CCTV cameras in government surveillance

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Public Law, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran

2 PhD in International Relations, Faculty Member of Radio and Television University


Legal oversight is one of the most important types of oversight in public law to examine the scope of authority and the realm of powers. Of the 177 principles of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 18 are related to its oversight tools. Meanwhile, the category of video surveillance systems is presented by providing both protection and surveillance views. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this article tries to introduce CCTV cameras under the types of mechanical surveillance, in order to prevent the situation of crimes in the field of surveillance by CCTV cameras (Inspection Organization, Court of Administrative Justice, The President and his deputies, the Supreme Leader, the Guardian Council, the Expediency Council, the leadership experts) and the cases not monitored by these cameras (interference in the principle of separation of powers, government powers, the Supreme National Security Council and violations of Principles 3). 4, 20, 25, 37, 40), with the introduction of CCTV cameras with hybrid signals and motorized lenses in a variety of miniature CCTV cameras, anti-sabotage equipped with WVCW480 system, HD_SDI, Wi-Fi and VCR technology as the best type, in line New and systematic movements with the aim of gaining the people's satisfaction and increasing the people's trust in the realization of justice and protection of the nation's rights in exercising government oversight.


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