Study and comparison of cultural development indicators of Central Asian countries Member of the extremist Islamist group (Case Study: Tendency to ISIL)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Regional Studies in Russia and Central Asia

2 PhD in Sociology, Tajik Academy of Sciences

3 Associate Professor of Political Science, Payame Noor University


The present article seeks to compare and contrast the indicators of cultural development of Central Asian countries that are members of the group of extremist Islamism (case study: tendency towards ISIL). From this perspective, after presenting theoretical approaches to explain the subject, the research data using the quantitative method of secondary analysis and a reverse questionnaire with reference to the statistics of cultural development indicators published on the website of the Finnish Institute for International Studies (2015) Collected and tested and analyzed using SPSS18 software in two parts of descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. In order to validate the tool, qualitative face-to-face content validity and in order to validate the tool, the reproducibility capability has been used by using the reliability coefficient, the amount of which is estimated to be above 0.8. Findings have shown that, firstly, there is a significant difference between the total index of cultural development of Central Asian countries from which ISIL has recruited members (error


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