Analysis of the concept of governance in the light of the word "obedience" in the Holy Quran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadegh University (PBUH),

2 Researcher of Imam Sadegh (PBUH) University Development Center and PhD student in Public Administration, Faculty of Islamic Education and University Management


Today, the use of the concept of governance is widespread among academics and executives of the country. But usually what is meant by it is flawed, so that some consider it equal to management and administration, etc., or understand it in the context of the World Bank version of "good governance." The concept of governance actually seeks to build one of the most important relationships in any society, the relationship of obedience. The coordinates of this relationship are determined by the values ​​of each society, and Islamic teachings related to society also seek to establish special relationships in the system of social adherence. The Western world has worked extensively on the system of relations of obedience, or theories of governance, according to humanistic approaches based on worldly tactics, but Islamic literature has not questioned how to govern for such minor matters, and often suffices to explain the characteristics of the Islamic ruler. Has been. In this study, after a general review of theories of conventional governance, a thematic study of one of the key words of the Holy Quran in the field of Islamic follow-up relations, namely the word "obedience", has been done. Thematic research method in this research is a method based on keyword (obedience) and context with verse-based and context-oriented strategy. The results of the thematic research show the deep Quranic knowledge about what, why and how Islamic rule. The need to pay attention to the relationship between obedience and knowledge and faith, attention to human free will in governance, different levels of obedience, the constant need for obedience in man and the essential role of piety in obedience, are among the topics of this study for the emergence of Islamic governance.


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