Economic Opportunities and Threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran Due to Cyber Technologies Development over ten year Horizon

Document Type : Original Article


1 rasearch department air defens khatam al-anbia univercity i.r.i. army

2 student

3 Imam Hosein Univercity Prophesor


Cyber emerging technologies are in a state of rapid growth and development and will reach maturity in the near future. These technologies will have a tremendous impact on all areas of life, especially in the economic sphere. Although the emergence of any new technology will solve many challenges and problems and present new opportunities in various fields to communities, but it creates emerging threats that must be identified, studied and analyzed. The purpose of this study is to identify economic opportunities and threats resulting from the development of cyber technologies in the Islamic Republic of Iran over next ten-year horizon. The present study is an applied and prospective research and has been done in a descriptive / analytical method with an exploratory perspective. The statistical population of the study includes 7 cyber experts and 50 cyber and economic experts who were purposefully selected by snowball method. Based on the results of data analysis, eleven technologies including cloud computing, robotics, artificial intelligence, 3D printers, Internet of Things, big data, virtual reality & augmented reality, blockchain, mobile technologies, quantum computing and Bioprocessors will pass the maturity cycle and will be widely used over the next ten years. Also, the economic opportunities and threats resulting from the development of these technologies were presented separately.


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