trategies to Promote audience Trust in the National Media

Document Type : Original Article


1 ceo of iran press news agency

2 PhD student in political science and senior national security researcher

3 Head of Human Resources Research Group and University Professor


The purpose of this research is to provide solutions to increase the audience''s trust in the national media. This article raises the issue that in the communication process, sender, content, audience and feedback should all be considered by asking the question of what are the ways to increase audience trust in the national media. Through in-depth interviews with 30 media experts, including professors in the field of communications and media researchers, and by means of content analysis, distrustful factors of national media activities in the three areas of news audience, ownership and management, and audience of political programs, these challenges were analyzed by a questionnaire from the statistical community and analyzed with SPSS software. The results of analytical and descriptive findings of this research showed that improving news presentation structures, strengthening the professional ability of news agents, using appropriate conductors, avoiding tasteful policies in the field of news and presenting political analysis with indirect methods and new methods Planning, promoting research, making the form of political programs attractive and paying attention to the analytical needs of the audience in political programs can increase the audience''s trust in the national media.


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