Designing a model for promoting soft power and the transnational role of the Islamic Republic of Iran with a focus on relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan

Document Type : Original Article


1 National Security Faculty of Higher National Defense University-Tehran-Iran

2 PhD in Political Science (Islamic Thought) and Faculty Member of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

3 PhD Student in National Security Studies, University and Higher Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research, Tehran, Iran.

4 Doctorate in Islamic jurisprudence and principles


One of the foreign policy main goals of the Republic of Azerbaijan is to develop friendly relations with its neighbors in the Middle East and the East, including those with which it has geopolitical, religious and ethnic affiliations. From this point of view, in the foreign policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the development of economic, cultural and ... relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran has a special place. According to the above explanations, the internal capacities and critical factors existing in the destination country in order to expand cooperation and develop the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in relation to Azerbaijan should be properly identified. So far, no comprehensive research has been undertaken to explain this issue. Obviously, without identifying the internal capacities and sensitivities in Azerbaijan, a clear program based on the national interests of Iran cannot be presented. This study intends to structurally identify the critical factors that contribute to enhancing the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran and enhancing the transnational role of the Iran by utilizing existing capabilities in the West and East Azerbaijani provinces to expand targeted cooperation and relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan. Finally, it model the relationship between the internal potentials, especially the ethnic Azeris, with the important factors identified for influencing the Republic of Azerbaijan.


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