Passive defense strategies in the social sphere of the police

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of Amin police university

2 faculty member of amin police university


Changing the enemy's approach in soft ways can drastically change the public security of the country. In this regard, the social approaches of the police based on passive defense is one of the coping strategies that has been addressed in this research. This study was conducted to investigate the environment and enumerate threats, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses and social functions of the police and to develop strategies based on passive defense and to draw the desired path. First, by holding a briefing workshop among the first level managers of NAJA Social Affairs, environmental factors with the model of developing a modified strategy of David and Ahmadvand by elite method with distribution of EFE and IFE matrices, 17 weaknesses, 13 strengths, 17 opportunities and 23 threats were counted and then summarized. They were determined in the matrix of strategic position, social position of the police in the current situation, "mild defensive" and in the achievable position of "mild offensive" and favorable situation (9-9) according to the 1404 vision. To achieve the achievable and desirable situations, 28 strategies based on the passive defense strategic plan were presented for the strength and stability of the police social infrastructure.


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