The role of Lying in the distortion process; As a carrier of hybrid threats in the security environment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tabriz University

2 Imam Khomeini seminary


Due to the speed of transmission of verified and unconfirmed information on social networks on the one hand, and on the other hand the use of management today Mandatory public opinion with, conscious or uninformed people in the widespread dissemination of fake news and behavioral stimulation based on it The aim of creating mistrust and rift between the people - the government as an effective measure to destabilize the interior has been considered by the enemies, which can be He called the new threat in the security environment Although researchers have conducted numerous studies on rumors from different perspectives, especially from the perspective of the Qur'an and its effects on society, this study focuses on describing the model of hybrid operations and the role of organized lying by hostile countries and counter-revolutionary groups. There are anti-security incidents inside the country This study seeks to answer the question of what is the effect of producing fake news and its widespread republishing in destabilizing the social space of the country and consequently creating insecurity in society? Our hypothesis is that cyberspace management is the most effective way to deal with hybrid operations. Using the method of analysis of qualitative content and data mining through analysis of statistics on the prevalence of coronavirus in the country, the role and goals of hypocrites in implementing the hybrid operation model in the country are examined and some suggestions are presented. Prescription is provided


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