examining the dimensions of empowerment of conscripts to improve social security by approach Political sociability

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Public Policy, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

3 Full Professor of the Faculty of Political Science of Islamic Azad University - Central Tehran Branch (Consultant)

4 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Command and Staff of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Consultant)


Political socialization is the basic for social security, which is one of the essential needs of society and the transfer of the strengths, stability and continuity of any political system. No doubt that ignoring it will increase the indifference of the people of society towards the fate of the country and their vulnerability to the false propaganda of the enemies. The present paper, which is the result of research in this context, examines the role of service training in the maintenance and development of social security with the political socialization approach. This research has dealt with the qualitative method, descriptive method with content analysis tools and the comments of five elites and high ranking military leaders and decision makers in the area of service. To achieve the goal by using the interview method, gathering information and analyzing the data, we examine the issue significantly and ultimately to the results of current policies regarding the current policies for political socialization. In order to collect data, the interview method was used. As evident in the final assessment of the interview conducted with the officials and policy makers, there is a great deal of respect for the components of our formation, values and political beliefs, service to the top of the homeland, and adherence to commitments, action and behavior that we have desired, and there is less attention in training the component of the political participation and the component of respect for the sovereignty of the political system.


  • فهرست منابع ومآخذ

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