Security consequences back of planning view in The country’s territorial divisions (Case study: Bushehr province)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Group Secretary and Researcher

2 PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran.

3 Master of Landscaping Planning


Bushehr province, due to its border position in the Persian Gulf and the existence of vital economic centers with a security burden, has a sensitive position for the national security of the country.On the other hand, due to the lack of fair distribution of facilities and services in the province, there are grounds for social crises and complex spatial problems in the near future in this province, which due to the sensitivity of this province to the country, acute security issues for both Will follow for the country. Therefore, considering these issues, the type of applied-developmental research and its study method is descriptive-analytical. Thus, first the weights of the indicators are calculated by FUZZY method and then, using the TOPSIS model, the cities of the study area are prioritized. Analyzes show that Bushehr city as the center of the province is one of the most prosperous cities in the province.Kangan Assaluyeh and Jam are in the next rank and then Tangestan and Genaveh are in the worst situation.What is clear is that many activities in cities with industrial roles are loaded beyond their capacity and power;In such a way that it will create pollution and destructive effects on the environment and will face major challenges and threats to the structure of the residential system. Therefore, it is necessary to take a step in creating a balanced spatial structure of the region with a long-term planning in the form of planning


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