Explaining the role of public buildings on the psychological security of citizens in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Isfahan University of Arts, Faculty of Architecture

2 Assistant Professor, Abhar Azad University, Faculty of Architecture.

3 PhD student in Architecture, Isfahan University of Arts, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture.


In relation to the role of architecture and urban design on the mental security of citizens, various issues should be studied and analyzed to determine the root of this crucial issue in today's societies. They are involved in new issues in the context of different aspects of life, among which security is one of the most important issues in reform and organization. Also, the security of citizens is of particular importance in terms of creating a dynamic and healthy society in the living environment. Factors affecting security include 8 components: balance, form in the structure, symmetry, strength of structural elements, stability, performance, geometry and technologyIn this study, we will examine the 4 most influential factors using the opinion of elites. This research has been done with the help of a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The above research is a theoretical-applied research. In the process, it will generate an idea from a series of information and finally reach a practical and applicable design. The statistical population of this study consists of visitors and experts with a sample number of 384 people and according to the analysis performed, it can be understood that according to the respondents, the University of Tehran with 34.10 has the highest security and the city theater with 22.72 the lowest security Which can be dedicated in designing buildings of special importance in the future.


  • فهرست منابع ومآخذ

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