Designing and evaluating an appropriate policy model with Iran's cultural-historical components in Central Asia in the face of the threats of Radical Islam

Document Type : Original Article


1 Public policy phd, Islamic-Azad-University-Science and Research Branch. Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Department of Political Science

2 Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch, Faculty of Law and Political Science , Department of Political Science

3 Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran


Present study aims to design and evaluate an appropriate policy model with cultural-historical components of Iran in Central Asia in the face of the threats of Radical Islam. From this perspective, it has benefited from a consecutive exploratory design scheme; Thus, in the qualitative phase of the research, data were collected from a semi-standard interview with 10 experts who were selected through targeted and theoretical sampling method. In order to analyze the data, the thematic analysis method and the thematic network type were used through the theoretical coding process. The qualitative phase have shown that the optimal model of optimal policy with the cultural-historical components of Iran in Central Asia in the face of the threats of radical Islam from six comprehensive themes has reached theoretical saturation : Adopting an appropriate cultural approach in foreign policy; Strengthening cultural and historical relations; Using scientific and academic capacities; Strengthening Persian language and literature; Paying attention to media cultural policy and Strengthening common religious elements by relying on its moral aspects. In addition, in the quantitative phase of the study in order to evaluate the conceptual model obtained from the qualitative study, at first the researcher-made questionnaire was designed and after validation and reliability, the research were performed on 291 students of universities in Tehran. They were selected by relative stratified sampling method; Compilation and analysis by Spss23 software were analyzed in two parts: descriptive and inferential analysis. The quantitative results showed that the constructed model has the necessary fitness


  • فهرست منابع ومآخذ

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