Typology of the concept and main elements of cyberspace in national cyber security strategy of selected countries

Document Type : Original Article


1 Malek Ashtar university

2 Defense Industries Educational and Research Institute

3 phd student


Organizations, centers and scientific and research institutions of different countries have provided various definitions for cyberspace and its main elements; The existence of relatively diverse definitions in our country has caused ambiguity, weak common language, complexity and inconsistencies in policy-making, planning and development of cyberspace and cyberspace security.
The present study was conducted with the aim of typology of the concept and main elements of cyberspace in the strategic documents of cyber security of countries. First, the evolution of different definitions of cyberspace from the perspective of global thinkers is reviewed, and then in this article, 39 national strategy (cyber security) documents from 34 countries, published during the last ten years from 2009 to 2019, are examined. Is. And with a qualitative approach and based on the method of content analysis, the main concepts and elements of cyberspace in these documents have been studied and extracted. As a result, 5 different types of concepts and four main elements of cyberspace have been extracted from these documents. Different are grouped according to this typology.
Based on the findings of this study, the four main elements of cyberspace include equipment, data, maps and operations, and 5 types of concepts extracted from these 39 documents are: cyberspace as an information and communication infrastructure, space Cyber as an information, communication and data infrastructure, cyberspace as a set of equipment, data and people, cyberspace as a set of equipment, data and operations, space Cyber as a comprehensive set of equipment, data, people and operations.


  •  فهرست منابع و مآخذ فارسی

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