Identifying and analyzing trends affecting the future of crime and strategies for crime prevention

Document Type : Original Article


1 Statistics Manager

2 Department of law Uinversity of Isfahan, Iran

3 Department of Futurs study.faculty of Strategic Management. Higher National Defense University. Tehran, Iran.


Identifying and analyzing trends affecting the future of crime and strategies for crime prevention

The increase in crime, the emergence of new forms of crime, the use of new measures in crime and the rapid advancement of technology have led to the expansion of criminal activities in the last decade and at the same time, increased feelings of insecurity and fear in society. Therefore, the need for a correct understanding and sufficient knowledge of the direction of crime trends in the future is quite obvious.
This research has looked at the field of crime with a trend analysis approach. Based on this approach, identifying and analyzing crime formation trends in the future will greatly help managers and planners to identify ways to deal with and develop crime prevention methods.
In this study and 6 drivers affecting future crimes and 22 global trends affecting future crimes in 5 categories along with their consequences are identified, extracted and reviewed in a panel of experts consisting of 5 people and the titles of each trend were approved. Also, 7 main trends in future crimes are identified and validated during interviews with experts. Content analysis is performed on the results of the interview and explained in the form of a trend analysis report. Finally, based on these identified trends, 10 strategies are presented to prevent crime.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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