Strategic Model for management of Effects and Impacts of Fourth Industrial Revolution on National Security of Islamic Republic of IRAN

Document Type : Original Article


1 Supreme national defense university

2 Defense Industries Educational and Research Institute

3 National Defense University


Human society has passed through three industrial revolutions: steam, electricity, and information technology. It will reach its peak of influence and, like the previous industrial revolutions; the winners of this era will be the dominant powers of the future world. This revolution, which is the result of the integration of biological, physical and digital technologies, can achieve national security at the individual and social, national and international levels by influencing the systems of governance, economic, social, educational and industrial systems. In its various dimensions (military, political, economic, cultural and environmental) to create dramatic changes in human society. In this study, we studied the global trends of these technologies, opinions of experts and published international documents and researches, calculated the main consequences of this technological revolution, and then held two meetings with experts in the field of technology in defense and security departments. we have identified the different dimensions and levels of the consequences and effects of these technologies on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and we have evaluated and validated the questionnaire designed by the research team. At the end of the questionnaire, a questionnaire was administered to 30 technology activists working in the defense and security sectors, and they approved the various parts of the conceptual model of the research.


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