Analyzing and explaining the role of IRIB in managing social change

Document Type : Original Article


1 A graduate of National Defense future research management and IRIB

2 National Security Research Institute faculty


In today's world, the media have a special and unique place in the management of public opinion, so that political systems try to use the media to guide and engineer comprehensive values and attitudes. In fact, the media is one of the most important tools for managing social change and transformations, and due to this important function, have a direct impact on national cohesion and ultimately increase the soft power of countries. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of national media. Analyze and explain in the management of social change. Accordingly, the main hypothesis of the research is that the role of the national media based on prediction and foresight and using Islamic-Iranian teachings will lead to the management of social change. To answer this question, mix methods have been used. The statistical population of this study consists of experts in the fields of media and communication, sociology and social sciences. To test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire items from the perspective of experts, pre-test and also calculation of Cronbach's alpha (0.80) has been used. The data collection tool was a questionnaire and reference to documents. The results of statistical tests of this study show that the role of national media on the management of social change is decisive and has a positive effect and inspired by Islamic-Iranian teachings will promote and increase the soft power of the country


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