Explanation of research methodology framework in urban security studies

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Political Geography, Imam Hussein University, Tehran, Iran

2 member of geography group , environment and passive defense institute for internal security

3 Master student in Urban Design, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran and Researcher of the Institute of Science and Education of Holy Defense


The expansion of human knowledge and understanding about the characteristics and unknown points of phenomena is a result of methodological approaches. Therefore, one of the important categories that needs special attention in the field of urban security studies is based on research methodology. This is a methodological question that leads the researcher to how to study urban security. Therefore, the role of methodology as a link or flow of knowledge between two elements of epistemology (factor of knowledge) and ontology (object of knowledge) is very important in the field of urban security studies.
Therefore, two central questions are emphasized in the research process. What are the types of research methodology frameworks in urban security studies? And what are the characteristics of the methodological framework of urban security studies? In order to answer the central questions of the research, the literature review method has been used, focusing on two methodological and theoretical review approaches. In response to the first question, the researchers propose a conceptual, technical and operational framework. Also, in explaining the features of the methodological framework of urban security studies, they propose theory – grounded, flexibility, feasibility and redundancy. In this framework, quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methodologies are related to philosophical propositions or research paradigms in a holistic, comprehensive and integrated way.


فهرست منابع و مآخذ
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