Reason for US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of West Asian and African Studies, University of Tehran

2 PhD in International Relations, University of Isfahan

3 PhD in International Relations, University of Guilan,


On May 8, 2018, Donald Trump announced his country's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal struck between Tehran and the 5+1 countries. With the announcement of Donald Trump's decision, the question arose as to what factors contributed to Trump's decision to pull out of the US nuclear deal with Iran. In answering this question, some referred to the nature of the international system and the developments that had taken place, while others emphasized the nature of the new government in the United States and even the government in Iran. Respondents considered two levels of analysis. The international system and the role of the government. However, this study implies that a third level can also be considered to examine the reasons for the United States' exit from the Iran nuclear agreement, namely an individual level. This study has shown that Trump's decision is partly due to Donald Trump himself and his personality. So there are two related arguments. First, Trump has some personality traits that lead him to make unwise decisions. These traits are a dealmaker's mind, ambition, realism, and populism. Second, Donald Trump can be influenced by others, especially those who give him the latest advice. In the case of Iran's nuclear program, the influence of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo can be shown, both of which were strongly against the deal with Iran.
