Combination Warfare against the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case study: influencing factors, drivers and tools, goals and enemy's target points)

Document Type : Original Article


1 assistant professor .phd in political geography university of madras

2 assistant professor of Dafus- p.h.d , Supreme national defense university


The results of the research show that in the combination warfare against the holy system of Islamic Republic of Iran, 23 propellants and tools have been exploited, the most important of which are: "women, universities, schools"; 30 cases of internal and external factors that create a platform for the implementation of the enemy's combination warfare against the Islamic Republic of Iran system. It was calculated that the most important of them are: "Not taking seriously the warnings of the Supreme Leader, the development of disturbances at the university level, the incitement of the youth and teenagers, the weak efficiency of the internal media and the control of the virtual space and the development Unveiling and obscenity, ugliness and obscenity"; Also, 8 areas were the targets of the enemy, the most important of which are: "Leadership, national security, armed forces, especially the security-police system" and 18 cases of the enemy's targets from the combination warfare against the Islamic Republic of Iran system were counted. The most important of which are: "Trying to weaken the social base of the Supreme Leader, disrupting national security, reducing the acceptability and legitimacy of the system, deepening ethnic-religious faults."


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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    ب. منابع انگلیسی

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