Presenting the country's cyberspace governance strategic plan in the international environment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of the Supreme National Defense University

2 P.h.D. of the Supreme National Defense University

3 Real member of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace of the country


Islamic Republic of IRAN, It has witnessed the growing challenges that have arisen in the field of governance of the country's cyberspace in the international environment, and despite the existence of some high-level governance documents and the formation of Supreme Council of Cyberspace, the country so far lacks a comprehensive and strategic plan to govern its cyber space in the international environment, and it is necessary to have a comprehensive plan in order to improve its role, weight and influence in regional and international treaties, documents and institutions. By examining the backgrounds and theoretical bases of the dimensions, components and indicators of statistics, then the questionnaire was provided to the experts in a targeted manner; Finally, 34 questionnaires were completed and it has good reliability with Cronbach's alpha of 0.812. After that, with SmartPLS software, the data was analyzed and the model was fitted. The findings of the research show that the Republic of Iran needs to create appropriate structures to pursue issues related to the governance of cyber space in the international environment; Also, the research hypotheses, except for the "resources" hypothesis, have all been confirmed.
