determining the system of national security dimensions in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student, entering 2019 at National Defense University -

2 Imam Sadiq University


National security is one of the most important basic components of any political system Security is one of the social issues in the field of political science and policy-making in the system, which is foreign to every policy, and the political elite tries to guide the country through the hard and soft dangers ahead. given that the from of threats varies with the change in the behavior of the actors therefore, in each period, the priority of security dimensions will definitely change. the purpose of this study is to try for the system of prioritizing the dimensions of national security in the current situation of country for help political elites and prevent their neglect at focuses on important aspects of national security that is This is based on multi-criteria decision making common indicators and detailed surveys of twenty-four experts active in the form of six teams of four It has been done in the field of national security. Changing the way and behavior of international system actors in different time periods will undoubtedly change the priorities of the national security dimensions of the countries and our country is not exempt from this. Therefore, considering the importance of online prioritization of the dimensions of national security, its continuous monitoring and implementation with the aforementioned method, it was determined that in the current conditions of the country, the economic dimension of security is the first priority, and the military and political dimensions are the second and third priorities, respectively
