Consequences and opportunities arising from the decline of US military hegemony on I.R.Iran's National Security

Document Type : Original Article


1 phd. in Supreme National defense University

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor at Supreme National Defense University


The hegemonic decline of the US is result of US inside deep political divisions. The main purpose of research is identifying consequences and opportunities arising from decline of US military hegemony and its effect on political, economic and military dimensions of Iran`s National Security. The research is Practical and has been done in field-case method. The information and data tools are library and field gathering, and community size is 37. The research findings show priority order of four components related to consequences, with 91% confidence factor and 9% error, including: political, military, economic and socio-cultural. Out of 12 opportunities resulting, 8 opportunities with 95% confidence factor and 5% error are effective, role-playing and meaningful on political, economic and military dimensions of I.R.Iran including: "Improving position of non-governmental actors in international system, each of which can lead to promotion of position and role of Islamic Republic of Iran in the international system, designing and engineering a new endogenous Middle-Eastern order based on participation all countries, need to increase population growth rate and maintain Human resources and elites and Iran's superiority over US in gaining regional power" were not effective on political, economic and military dimensions of I.R.Iran.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ


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