Investigating the role of citizens' social and cultural participation in the sustainable development of new cities with emphasis on reducing social harms

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in sociology majoring in Iran's social issues, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Social Sciences Department, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 department


Social and cultural participation can be considered as a fundamental factor in the sustainable development of new cities and the promotion of social security, and based on this, this research aims to investigate the role of social and cultural participation of citizens in the sustainable development of new cities, emphasizing the promotion Social security is done. Survey method is used in this research. The information was collected with a researcher's questionnaire from 387 people of the statistical population and the information was analyzed by descriptive and analytical method.
Based on the research findings, there is a moderate correlation between the official participation of citizens in the social sphere and the sustainable development of new cities with an emphasis on improving social security. (R = 0.513) and 26.3% of the total changes in the sustainable development of new cities depend on the official participation of citizens in the social sphere with an emphasis on improving social security. There is a moderate correlation between the official participation of citizens in the cultural field and the sustainable development of new cities with an emphasis on improving social security. (R = 0.411) and 16.9 percent of the total changes in the sustainable development of new cities depend on the official participation of citizens in the cultural field with an emphasis on improving social security.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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