Strategic Pattern of Counter Narco-Terrorism in IR of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 I.R of Iran Police

2 Associate Professor

3 Faculty member of police university

4 Faculty member of supreme national defence


At the present time, terrorist groups around the world do not spare any action to achieve their goals in order to carry out harmful and destructive actions and to finance and cover their costs, they use the best available method, which is drug trafficking and transit, which The method has been known as the most common way of making money for gangs and mafia networks since the 1980s. The current research is an applied research in the framework of a qualitative approach and using the foundation data research method. For this purpose, qualitative data has been collected. The participants of the research included 12 experts (commanders, police managers in the field of combating drugs and organized crime, experts) from the police, security (experts in the field of terrorism) and universities, who used the snowball sampling method, were chosen. The following article tries to present a model based on which to explain the link between drugs and terrorism with macro-security policy, so that the financial foundations corresponding to the financing of terrorism are affected and the organized networks and transnational gangs are affected. National) are also identified and eradicated.


  •  فهرست منابع و مآخذ


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