Explaining the method of buying and selling firearms in cyber space

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Crime Prevention Management, Amin University of Police Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 University faculty member and PhD student, Supreme National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

3 Master's degree in Law Enforcement Information, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Today, internet crimes are increasing and new tricks and crimes such as buying and selling prohibited goods are revealed in cyberspace every day. The current research was done with the aim of explaining the method and method of buying and selling firearms in the virtual space, which is functional in terms of purpose and was done with a qualitative approach using the content analysis method, and the data analysis was d-one through the coding process. The statistical population in this research includes the content of the Internet sites and popular social networks, Instagram, and the samples were randomly selected and analyzed from the content of the sites, channels, and Internet networks for buying and selling weapons in cyberspace. The research findings showed; How to register and order for the purchase of firearms in the virtual space has different methods and there are many channels for receiving orders for buying and selling firearms in the virtual space. Also, the method of internet payment and fraudulent methods of buying and selling firearms in the cyber space are anonymous payment methods, use of fake accounts, use of digital currency, etc. In this regard, it seems necessary to set laws and apply the necessary restrictions according to the existing situation through relevant sources, as well as to apply effective supervision and control over the implementation of regulations.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ


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