Elements of Islamic Republic of Iran`s soft power

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor and faculty member of Higher National Defense University

2 Associate professor and faculty member of Higher National Defense University

3 Corresponding author and PhD student in National Security


We have numerous elements of power. We must preserve them and day by day increase them.” (Imam Khamenei 1/1/1393)
With the advent of soft power and associated and relevant concepts such as soft warfare, soft security and soft subversion in political literature, they have rapidly gained a special place in security discourses of states and huge investments is dedicated to understanding sources, elements and components of soft power. In soft power unlike hard power, targets yield to new power not out of force or reluctance but with content and would fulfill the wishes of those who have more power. This recent dimension of power is consisted of psychological, social, political, cultural and scientific elements which can exist in any country, but the important point is that in any country whose elements of soft power are regarded as assets of that country and produce attractiveness, they are subject to particular cultural, social, political, religious and historical values of the concerned country and would transform along with changes in contexts and conditions. Islamic Republic of Iran founded on the rich Islamic culture and bestowed with favorable and very attractive civilizational legacy and political values is blessed with numerous elements of soft power which in recent years have been partly actualized and has resulted in the increase of Iran`s regional and international influence and surely the elements of Iran`s soft power is of different kind comparing with other countries. This issue has formed the basis of this research and has been followed by descriptive-analytic method. The main question of this research is: what are the elements of Iran`s soft power? The answer was  given and we specified that the potential capacities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to achieve soft power is derived from such elements as popularity, anti-domineering, Providence of the Jurist, theo-centrism and Tawheed-centrism, culture and civilization, anti oppression, anti arrogance, martyrdom and …. We should preserve and improve them day by day.

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